Sunday, March 29, 2015

2nd Chance

2nd Chance by James Patterson

2nd Chance reconvenes the Women's Murder Club, four friends (a detective, a reporter, an assistant district attorney, and a medical examiner) who used their networking skills, feminine intuition, and professional wiles to solve a baffling series of murders in 1st to Die. This time, the murders of two African Americans, a little girl and an old woman, bear all the signs of a serial killer for Lindsay Boxer, newly promoted to lieutenant of San Francisco's homicide squad. But there's an odd detail she finds even more disturbing: both victims were related to city cops. A symbol glimpsed at both murder scenes leads to a racist hate group, but the taunting killer strikes again and again, leaving deliberate clues and eluding the police ever more cleverly. In the meantime, each of the women has a personal stake at risk--and the killer knows who they are.

                                 Sheila Fennell- enjoyed reading this book. It was fast paced, the plot had a lot of good twists and turns. The reader was led in different directions to find the murderer. But at the end a small clue, which I have overlooked pointed out the killer. My favorite character was Lindsay Boxer, but I didn't really like her friend they were bad at finding the murderer. Lindsay takes a lot of chances that almost cost her life. But the end is definitely a surprise!

Rating: 8 out of 10

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